About the blog

Back in 2012 I woke up one day with the crazy notion of blogging every day for a year. Yeah, 365 consecutive days. Nothing wrong with a little challenge, is there?

Wanted to see if I had what it took. From the ideas to the staying power. No particular focus. No theme. Whatever popped into my head was it. The topic de jour.

Well guess what? I did it. And, after all these years, I’m still here. Not necessarily every day but at least once a week.

You and I, we’ve had some great exchanges. I’m looking forward to many, many more. Hope you feel the same.

65 thoughts on “About the blog

    • Thanks so much. Glad you like it. I still have my other blog but here I can let my hair down and have some fun.

    • You’re welcome. Looking forward to reading your posts. I’m enjoying writing 365 so far. It’s a great exercise, I think. I’m enjoying meandering around so many different ideas. Who knows what will be next?

  1. Fransi,
    Special big thanks to FP, for finding you for me!
    Thoroughly enjoyed the story of your ‘Little Feline Darlings’, and everything I’ve read. Mosey-ing on over to your other blog, too.
    Thanks for adding me; I hope to not disappoint.
    All the Best to You!

    • Thank you! House and my sanity intact, thanks. Cats content and, to their credit, they are trying hard not to be smug 🙂

    • Thank you. Well I have another blog that is a business blog. There I talk about what I do for a living. Writing, marketing and strategic consulting.

      But this blog is fun and I get to write for my own pleasure so I am sure I will continue.

  2. This is something that I should try. I love to write, but tend to get side tracked with everything else in life and it doesn’t happen. I look forward to reading more and being inspired to take time to write.

    • Thanks! If you love it, do it. Once you’re in the mind set it gets easy to block off some time. You don’t have to start with everyday. Do it once a week. Do it at the same time, on the same day each week and it will beckme like an ‘appointment’ you have, that you don’t want to miss.

    • You are very kind. I have enjoyed an embarrassment of riches, recently, here on WordPress. And so I find myself at a bit of a loss for words. Thank you.

    • Thank you SO much! And congratulations to you! I love your blog as well so I know it is well-deserved in your case. My cup definitely runneth over. I have been awarded this before. Have no idea if there are ‘limits’ on it, but I do appreciate it; and will definitely share the wealth with other bloggers I follow. Happy New Year! All the best for a happy, healthy, peaceful, word-filled 2013.

  3. Hi Fransi,
    I’ve nominated you for a couple of awards… I see that you already have a Very Inspiring Blogger Award, but I decided you were inspiring enough to deserve two! And the other is The Reality Blog Award. It has no rules, so it should be easy to accept.
    Thank you so much again for my award — and for introducing me to your terrific blog. I love the premise and your writing style…and I am looking forward to catching up — and to reading your future posts.
    Warmest wishes for the New Year…

    • Oh, thank you SO much. Actually I have had the very inspiring blogger award 2 times already. It was my 2nd time when I nominated you.

      So if it is ok with you, much as I appreciate the sentiment, maybe there’s another blogger you’re following who’s never had it. And deserves it.

      I would be thrilled to accept the other one. But just so you know, what makes me the happiest is that you enjoy my blog. So thank you for that.

      And, last but not least, to be considered an inspiring writer is a dream come true for me. But YOU, are an inspiring woman, an inspiring human being, and there’s no award I can think of out there that comes anywhere close enough to doing justice to explaining how much you inspire me.

      Just saying … :).

      • OOPS. I have been given the very inspiring blogger award twice, but that is not when I nominated you. I nominated you the second time I was given blog of the year. Clearly I have had way too much of a good thing. Sorry. I did want to claify. Thank you again!!

      • Thank you so much, Fransi! I can’t tell you how much your kind words mean to me.
        I think I said before that there are no words to show you how moved I am by your generous compliments, but it is true…
        And I am so glad to have met you & to have the opportunity to get to know you better through your blogs… With warmest thoughts & gratitude for you…

      • Thank YOU. My blog tomorrow is about the reality blog award. Thanks again for that. Never would I have believed when I first started blogging four years ago that WordPress would turn out to be, what it has turned out to be: a magical place where you get to know a truly extraordinary group of people. How lucky for us.

    • Best wishes for the New Year to you, as well. It goes without saying I’ll be with you, reading along, fighting with you, and rooting for you, every step of the way. thanks for sharing your journey with us.

  4. Pingback: Five Favourite Fiction Reads | Word by Word

    • Really appreciate this, thank you. I actually haven’t been given this particular award before. But I am extremely fortunate because I have received more than my fair share. Which is why I have a moratorium on accepting any more. There are so many bloggers here, on WordPress, who deserve the recognition and haven’t yet gotten it. So I hope you take this in the spirit in which it is intended. And I hope you soon discover another blogger, or one you already know, who deserves this. Many thanks again. It means a lot to me that you enjoy reading my blog.

    • Thank you so much. It is very much appreciated. I hope you take this in the spirit in which it is intended. I am very fortunate, in that my blog has been nominated for many awards. As a result last year I decided I would have a moratorium on accepting them in the hopes that more bloggers, who are talented but as yet unrecognized, get some of that recognition. The fact that you, and so many others, read my blog, choose to follow me and take the time to comment is an award in and of itself. It is very rewarding and much appreciated. Many thanks and I hope you understand.

  5. Pingback: Very Inspiring Blogger Award | The Parrot on the Power lines

    • Thank YOU, for reading, liking and now nominating me. I am very lucky. I have already received this award, although my ‘visual’ is different. So can I ask you to give it to another blogger you follow? Let’s spread the wealth. I really do appreciate your nomination. And congratulations to you! Well done.

  6. Can you finish the lyrics to the camp song:
    Camp Kinni Kinnick is the camp for me.
    Drives away all adversity.
    It’s right on the lake.
    My sister used to sing them all the time….thank you

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