This should be the first thing we see every morning and the last thing we see every night

I came across this Eckhart Tolle quote this morning and I can’t get it out of my mind: “Acknowledging the good that you already have in your life is the foundation for all abundance.”


Never has it had more meaning than it does now. The last year and a half has made it so easy for us to feel sorry for ourselves — not necessarily to wallow in self-pity constantly, but it has been difficult and challenging and scary and our lives have been turned upside down and inside out. We’ve all had to make changes and sacrifices. We’re justified in being out of sorts, I’m not criticizing. And frankly, just between us girls (and boys), the Trump years weren’t exactly a picnic either.

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Inspiration, and a lesson, when you least expect it …

This isn’t the blog post I’d started to write for today. But a funny thing happened on my way to googling an article I’d read in the Sunday New York Times I wanted to include as a link. I found something else that stopped me in my tracks. I loved it so much I shelved the original idea (at least for now) and changed course.

I look forward to the Sunday Times all week . It is such a great read, just crammed with all sorts of interesting and Continue reading

The happiness effect …

Actually, just looking at this photo and imagining myself in it makes me happy.  So beautiful and serene.  But what inspired this meditatingpost is a terrific article I read on Facebook last week.

It’s about Matthieu Ricard, a 69-year-old monk who’s being called “the world’s happiest man;” and here’s the link if you want to read it.

He believes that when you think happy thoughts, for even 15 minutes a day, you’ll start getting positive results in just Continue reading

Thanks (again).

Canadian Thanksgiving was this past weekend.  And considering how, for the past two weeks, I’ve been talking about what I’m pumpkin piegrateful for, I figured this was the perfect time to continue that particular conversation.  And then I’ll give it a rest, I promise.  Which you’ll be thankful for, I know.

Right off the top, I’m grateful for my sense of humour.  There’s all kinds of shit going on just about every place you can find on a map — not to mention  the crap we all put up with in our own lives — so being able to find Continue reading

A creature of habit no more …

To some degree I think we all fall into patterns.  You know, keep doing the same thing, the same way, day after day, week after new leafweek, month after month, even year after year.  I don’t think we’re always even aware of it.  It just becomes part of who we are.  Part of our routine.

For example, I do the same thing every morning.  I take my shower first, then wash my face and then brush my teeth.  I’ve been performing these tasks, in this order, for as long as I can remember.  I feed my cats first, then I have breakfast.  Then I clean Continue reading

Somewhere for me, myself and I …

It’s been a while since I’ve checked out the WordPress Daily Posts.  So I decided to see what I’ve been missing.  Lo and behold, I found something really emptyroom1interesting; and inspiring:

“An extra room has magically been added to your home overnight.  The catch:  if you add more than three items to it, it disappears.  How do you use it?”

Now I know why my cats were restless last night.  Their sixth sense must have been kicking in like crazy.  What self-respecting cat wouldn’t be spooked by the sudden appearance of a room that hadn’t been there before, one that was just down the hall from mine, over there, on the left, beside the living room?

And I guess I wasn’t dreaming when I heard a door gently close.  It was ‘real’ enough for me to open my Continue reading

Happy now?

Do you ever watch Super Soul Sunday? It’s one of Oprah’s and can be found on the OWN Network. On Sunday’s obviously. Here, in Toronto, where I live, it happiness2airs at 11 a.m. I have no idea what time it’s on anywhere else.

All I can say is, one of my favourite things to do on Sunday mornings used to be reading The New York Times and meeting friends for brunch. Since I ‘discovered’ this show about a year ago (although it’s been on for about 3 years, I believe), everything waits until after it’s over at noon.

Each week Oprah sits down with another “top thinker, author, visionary or spiritual leader and they talk

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Day 327. Life Lesson

Life teaches us many lessons.  A lot of the time it’s our mistakes we learn from, but not always.  Sometimes it’s the things we do right.  And, in the process, if we’re blueberry muffinlucky we also find out about ourselves, at the same time.  When we decided to close our agency, it was a very tough decision.  But that was just the beginning.

There were a lot of very difficult conversations that had to be had; and they all fell on me.  First, with the man who ran our parent company.  And then with our staff, with our clients, with our suppliers and alliances and with the industry, in general.  To say it was challenging and intense would be an understatement.

The biggest revelation was what I discovered about myself:  I was much more of a grown up than I thought I was.  I didn’t hide. I didn’t cower.  I accepted responsibility.  I faced it.

I did what had to be done.  I told who had to be told, despite the butterflies in my stomach, the nausea, the Continue reading

Day 222. Oh Shit!

Yeah, I’m having one of those.  Everything I touch.  Everything.  So I’m doing something unusual.  I’m writing tomorrow’s post today.  Don’t give yourself a tearsheadache trying to figure it out.  I’m doing it for me.  For my sanity.  For my mental health.  Consider it therapy.

I’m thinking if I get rid of it, now, I’ll feel better.

And by the time you read this, tomorrow, I’ll be fine.  Giggling.  Chirping merrily away.  Not even remembering today.  As if it never happened.

No, I’m not going to go into detail.  I’m not going to tell you what’s gotten me so riled up.  It doesn’t matter.  It’s irrelevant.  And it’s a bunch of stuff anyway.  Like I said before, everything I’ve touched so far today, has turned into doo doo.

What I am going to do, is put all my recently-discovered enlightenment to work.  In other words, I’m going to put my money where my mouth is.  I’m going to practice what I preach.  I’m going to get over it.  Put it behind me.  Rise Continue reading

Day 217. Truly Thankful

My posts have been kind of philosophical lately. It wasn’t my intention. At least not consciously. But it is the way they’ve turned out. I speak from my heart, so gratitude2obviously, it’s how I’m feeling. And clearly, it’s something I want to share. Or need to share.

It’s like I’m taking a moment, to take stock. Of who and what I am. Maybe even checking in, if you will, to see if I should be recalibrating. Or even if I just want to. It’s something I do, from time to time. Most of the time I’m not even aware I’m doing it, until the obvious jumps out at me. Or I have a big AHA moment, or something.

Today, what’s struck me is how much I have to be grateful for. This could be top of mind right now because of a movie I saw Saturday afternoon. A documentary about a musician, with enormous talent, who was never recognized in America. But unbeknownst to him, he was a mega hit in South Africa. Imagine never knowing such a thing. Imagine never receiving a dime of the royalties he was entitled to.

I don’t want to give it all away because I am going to blog about this film. So suffice to say, it could certainly

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