Curiosities …

There’s nothing pressing on my mind I want to share at the moment. So here are some things I’ve been wondering about:

I just got off the phone with Rogers (my cable/internet/wireless provider). I was questioning something on my bill and when we were done the rep I was speaking with asked if I had a minute so he could go over my account and make sure I was getting the best deal possible. He soon came back on the line and said he could save me about $40 a month (for 24 months) — with no changes being made to the services I have Continue reading

Go on give it a try.

I think this is a message the world needs to hear more now, than ever. So today I’m turning my blog over to Chris Black, “the poet’s poet,” who I’ve been following here on WordPress for six years. Enjoy, and do as the man says: “Smile.”

Today from the Man Shed

Live life with a smile

This will assist you

As you walk that weary mile

A door never closes

But another opens

Live life with a smile.


Live life with a smile

Bring happiness with you as you go

That burden may be heavy

Stand upright, face that foe

Turning your back is not the answer

Live life with a smile.


Live life with a smile

Learn not to recoil

As you step out into a new dawn

Smile instead of yawn

You have made it through another night

Live life with a smile.


Live life with a smile

Although at times it’s burdensome

That cross we have to bear

There is always someone less well off

Their cross they may wish to share

Live life with a smile.


Live life with a smile

Spread the happiness within you around

Put a spring in your step…

View original post 41 more words

Who knew my reaction to the election is not unusual …

I read a fascinating article in last Sunday’s New York Times. It’s about how the election is sending America to the couch,  shrinka whopping 52% of Americans, to be precise. Both Republicans and Democrats, by the way.

Before we go any further, though, let me clarify. In my case, there is no therapy involved. I have nothing against therapy, far from it, but for me, a Canadian, to get so carried away over this presidential race that I’d need to talk to a professional about it would be quite Continue reading

The Trump effect …

It’s horrifying to see and hear the ugliness that Donald Trump has unleashed. The rage, the nastiness, the trump2016-02-15-1455534387-1672884-nbcfiresdonaldtrumpafterhecallsmexicansrapistsanddrugrunnersaggression, the threats — I just can’t take any more of it.

On the weekend I read, on Facebook, that a group of armed Trump supporters protested outside a Hillary Clinton campaign office in Virginia. And there are already threats of intimidation on election day.

He has empowered (and emboldened) a hateful group of people, a terrifyingly-large number of them, and now that he’s wound them up I worry that they’re not going to go quietly into the night. I fear Continue reading

The last thing I expected from blogging …

I’ve been blogging since 2008. Originally it was an easy way to keep in touch with all my friends and friendsfamily while I was on a month-long trip to India. I also thought that some day it might be fun, and interesting, to do some travel writing so I did have a bit of an ulterior motive — it was like a dress rehearsal of sorts.

Once I returned home and found myself back in the daily grind, travel ended up on the back burner. But I was hooked on blogging and tried several — I blogged about advertising, I blogged about my experiences as a Continue reading

Gotta share …

It seems that everywhere I turn someone is complaining about lousy service.  God knows I’ve had moregold star than my fair share of it myself.  Well I’m here today to tell you it’s not all bad.  There is a flip side to that coin and here it is:

In the last several weeks I found myself running into a few difficulties with WordPress, mostly due to my own limitations.

Once it had to do with trouble I was having publishing my blog on Facebook.  From time to time we have to ‘refresh’ Continue reading

At the risk of appearing shallow, self-absorbed and self-indulgent …

You love me already, I can tell.  Hopefully you’ll come around once I’ve explained.  What you’re looking at, right here, is a photo of a bottle my perfumeof perfume.  Alas, a virtually empty bottle of perfume.

A perfume with a scent so heavenly, so unique, so intoxicating, so irresistible, so evocative, so absolutely divine I get asked, all the time, by total strangers, men and women alike, what I’m wearing.  One time a woman followed me for two blocks, until I had to stop at a red light, just to tell me how much she loved my cologne; and to ask for the name.

This is not my ego speaking, honest.  I am someone who has a really difficult time finding a fragrance that doesn’t turn on me.  You know, isn’t so sweet it makes you gag or even worse, just goes rancid the minute it hits my skin.

Several years ago, when I was reeling after the perfume I was wearing back then which, Continue reading

Glug, glug …

Well, this recent WordPress Daily Post certainly got me thinking:  “Captain Picard was into Earl Grey Tea: mention the Dude and we think:  White Russians.  drinksWhat’s your signature beverage — and how did it achieve that status?”

Fact is, I don’t have a signature beverage.  Never did.  I’m an equal opportunity drinker.

Although having said that, if I was going to have a signature drink it would be Lillet.

It’s a French aperitif and it’s delicious — at least I think so.  It’s wonderful on the rocks, with a twist of lemon.  I was introduced to it back in Montreal, at a French restaurant (Chez Georges) I used to frequent.  It’s Continue reading

Somewhere for me, myself and I …

It’s been a while since I’ve checked out the WordPress Daily Posts.  So I decided to see what I’ve been missing.  Lo and behold, I found something really emptyroom1interesting; and inspiring:

“An extra room has magically been added to your home overnight.  The catch:  if you add more than three items to it, it disappears.  How do you use it?”

Now I know why my cats were restless last night.  Their sixth sense must have been kicking in like crazy.  What self-respecting cat wouldn’t be spooked by the sudden appearance of a room that hadn’t been there before, one that was just down the hall from mine, over there, on the left, beside the living room?

And I guess I wasn’t dreaming when I heard a door gently close.  It was ‘real’ enough for me to open my Continue reading

It’s a mystery, all right …

My mind definitely wanders. I do love to daydream. And you could say I have an over-active imagination. So is it any wonder this recent WordPress Daily Post Chocolate Cakereally tickled my fancy?

“You walk into your home to find a couple you don’t know sitting in your living room, eating a slice of cake. Tell us what happens next.”

Well to begin with, I’m not sure I would have been more startled by the strangers in my house or the fact they were eating cake. I never have cake in my house. Okay, maybe that’s a slight exaggeration. But only slight.

First of all, I don’t bake. I’m not a sweet lover. From time to time I get a craving, but they are few and far

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