And now for something completely different …

… how about we all get on the same page?

Am I the only one getting really fed up with all the mixed messages regarding the third vaccine? I don’t understand why everyone’s saying something different and there’s a new variation of the story every day.

First it started with Pfizer, who announced months ago that they thought it was necessary for people to have a third vaccine and they applied for FDA approval. Immediately — and surprisingly I have to say — the CDC, Dr. Fauci and the White House disagreed.

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Keep your eye on the prize …

It’s being discussed and debated endlessly, by TV anchors and pundits, by newspaper and magazine reporters and journalists and in living rooms, offices and bars all over America: “Is Joe Biden too old to be running for President?” Before Biden announced his candidacy, the question was, “Is Pete Buttigieg too young?”

With all due respect, I think these folks are missing the point. It should never have anything to do with age, but this year, in particular, I think it is a distraction that could prove to be very costly. I think the only question anyone should be asking is, “Who has the best chance of beating Donald Trump?”

Maybe you think that age is relevant, but I don’t. Because it’s highly doubtful that the next President will be elected based on age, just like the current one wasn’t. Lest anyone forget, Trump is no spring chicken Continue reading

I surrender …

I’ve always been a news and political junkie; and, when I moved to Toronto from Montreal, I instantly became addicted to CNN and its 24 hour news cycle. It was like I’d died and gone to heaven.

Now it’s more like being in hell.

Am I the only one struggling to find something positive on the news?

Not that I’m an escapist. I’ve never been one to bury my head in the sand, avoid reality or run away from it — even Continue reading

The right to bear barbs …

I have a new hobby. Actually, maybe it’s less of a hobby and more like therapy. I’ve taken to Twitter. Well, that’s not it, exactly. I’ve been tweeting for ages. I’m now using Twitter to get rid of my aggression and frustration.

For the last few weeks I’ve regularly blasted 45, his daughter-wife, Paul Ryan, Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz. I can’t tell you how good it felt to tell Ivanka to do everyone a favour and go back to stealing shoe designs; and to call Continue reading

Can someone please explain?

How can more than 100 people working in the White House be there without security clearance? Accessing top secret information? Seriously, how?

How can Donald Trump be president with all his conflicts of interest, never mind all the other issues? Seriously, how?

How is it okay that Jared Kushner met, in the White House, with one of the founders of Apollo Global Management and Citigroup’s chief executive, and then both companies gave a combined $500 million in loans to his family’s companies? Seriously, how?

How is it okay that Jared Kushner backed a blockade of Qatar just weeks after their minister of finance turned his family down when they tried to get him to Continue reading

I miss the good old days …

No question there’s a lot about the 21st century to be excited about, but there’s a lot I miss about days gone by.

Last Thursday I went to see the Christian Dior exhibit at the Royal Ontario Museum here, in Toronto. Every garment, whether for daytime or evening, was shown with gloves — short, mostly black ones with suits and dresses and white, cream and occasionally black, long, above-the-elbow ones for formal wear.

I remember that from when I was growing up. My mother, Continue reading

I can’t believe I’m saying this, but …

… there’s a part of me that feels sorry for Donald Trump. Wait … wait … hear me out before you have me committed or banish me.

First and foremost, I am NOT a fan of his, never was, never will be — and the sooner he’s out of the White House, the better — for his own good, the good of his country and the entire world. But …

Donald Trump is sick. Really and truly, seriously and dangerously mentally ill; and, I believe, he is also a desperately unhappy man. I’m no psychiatrist, but I don’t think you just suddenly wake up one day this crazy. I’ll bet he showed signs as a child and, for whatever reason, he
never got the professional help he so sorely needs.

He is so hideous, in every way, that it’s very easy to be Continue reading

What money can’t buy …

After yesterday’s post was published a friend emailed me to talk about it. One of her comments was in reference to my recollections of the Christmas lunches my father and grandfather had for their staff — her point being that it was probably those acts of kindness and generosity that were, in large part, what made their employees so loyal.

She was right, of course. My dad and grandfather treated their employees kindly, fairly and respectfully everyday, not just once a year at lunch. And in return, they had virtually
no staff turnover.

The comment got me thinking and, almost immediately, my Continue reading

Nice to hear “good” news for a change

The world was in crisis mode long before the orange blob of toxic waste moved to Washington. There’s been plenty of poverty, hunger, disease, displacement, fear, uncertainty and misery to go around, both globally and in our own back yards.

And there have always been those who have consistently risen to the challenge, raised their hands and helped. By volunteering, speaking out, challenging the status quo and giving financial aid. Private citizens, celebrities and the mega wealthy, like Warren Buffett and Bill Gates Continue reading

I’m struggling …

There’s a lunatic child monster running amok in the White House. The bare-chested he-man in the Kremlin is determined to destroy democracy, already making some serious inroads. And the crazy little man-child with the huge nuclear arsenal and the itchy trigger finger keeps gleefully demonstrating how serious he is, how close he is to wiping us all out.

Then there’s the rise of the white supremacists — which leaves me wondering if, one of these days, we’re going to start seeing lynchings and yellow stars again.

Why not? El Presidente doesn’t see anything Continue reading