Keep your eye on the prize …

It’s being discussed and debated endlessly, by TV anchors and pundits, by newspaper and magazine reporters and journalists and in living rooms, offices and bars all over America: “Is Joe Biden too old to be running for President?” Before Biden announced his candidacy, the question was, “Is Pete Buttigieg too young?”

With all due respect, I think these folks are missing the point. It should never have anything to do with age, but this year, in particular, I think it is a distraction that could prove to be very costly. I think the only question anyone should be asking is, “Who has the best chance of beating Donald Trump?”

Maybe you think that age is relevant, but I don’t. Because it’s highly doubtful that the next President will be elected based on age, just like the current one wasn’t. Lest anyone forget, Trump is no spring chicken Continue reading

I just don’t get it

Last week I saw a Levi’s commercial urging Americans to vote. It’s a great spot and bravo to them for doing it, but that they should have to, makes me crazy. Theirs is the only commercial I’ve seen — at least so far. But apparently, they’re just one of many companies doing it.

The Skimm has also been pounding away at trying to get people to vote. For those of you unfamiliar with it, The Skimm is a quick and easy-to-read daily digest of news stories.

They’re so concerned about low voter turnout among female Millennials, for months leading up to voter registration for the upcoming US midterm election, they launched a “no-excuses” campaign, with daily tips, apps, info and even a link to register.

For the life of me, I will never understand why people are so ambivalent about voting, how they have no compunction Continue reading

A desperate plea …

I watch the news in horror everyday. I still can’t believe that such a vile, unscrupulous, self-serving, demented, dangerous man could have been elected in the United States, of all places. 

In part, it’s due to an electoral system that made it possible, despite his losing the popular vote. One also cannot overlook the shockingly enormous number of Americans who share his sick, twisted and ugly beliefs, Continue reading

What the 2016 Presidential race is not …

Sorry to spring this on you so late in the game, but you’re all barking up the wrong tree. This election isMale and Female Logic not about the Democrats, the Republicans, the Independents or the Socialists. It’s not about insiders versus outsiders. It’s not about gender, it’s not about age, it’s not about experience or the lack there of.  And sadly, it’s definitely not about the issues.

This race is about rational versus irrational. From the candidates, to their surrogates, to the parties, to the Continue reading

I’ve finally had enough …

I’m a political junkie.  As if you didn’t know.  I’ve ranted and raved and shared my views oftenTurning Back enough here.

But both the constant Obama bashing and the presidential race are just getting way too ridiculous and I can’t handle it any more.  I’ve got to  walk away before I totally lose my mind.

So for the first time ever I didn’t watch the State of the Union address.  What’s the point?

Obama’s been pissing into the wind for just about eight Continue reading

Oh happy days …

Finally, finally, finally the emotionless, closed, secretive, rightest-of-the-right, my-way-or-the-highway Stephen Harper is PierreAndJustingone.  Nine years he was in office!  Nine long years.

But we now have a new Prime Minister and hope is in the air.  Glory Hallelujah!  Justin Pierre James Trudeau, the 43-year old son of the late Pierre Elliott Trudeau (seen here carrying Justin), who was Canada’s Prime Minister from 1968-1979 and then again from 1980-1984.

And what a breath of fresh air Justin is.  He’s young, Continue reading

Well, that sure didn’t take long …

The Canadian election was a week ago yesterday.  Justin Trudeau was declared the winner at about 10:00,negativity2 10:30 p.m.  The Liberals, his party, won by a majority, unexpected by most Canadians I think it’s safe to say.  For that matter, it may very well have taken him by surprise.

Absolutely fascinated, swept along the wave of happiness that was permeating our country from coast to coast, relieved we’ll finally see the back Continue reading

Isn’t it time we stopped deluding ourselves?

I mean really.  Isn’t it time we finally admitted to ourselves, and everyone else, that the Canadiancrumbling economy economy is not good?  That it’s tanked?  That we’re really in a recession? And, for that matter, things are not that great in Toronto, either.  I know it’s a tough pill to swallow for folks around here, but it’s time we faced facts.

Every time I turn around another chain of stores is closing.  Big chains,
employing hundreds and sometimes thousands of people.  Independents are Continue reading

Politically speaking …

…it’s no picnic on either side of the border these days.  Here in Canada we’re getting ready to elect a new Prime flagsMinister, or nightmare of all nightmares re-elect Stephen Harper, our current PM; and the U.S. is awash in presidential hopefuls.  All I can say is, God help us all.

Last Thursday night was election overload.  The leaders of our four parties Continue reading

Day 82. Hush Now

Honestly, I can’t take it any more. You cannot open a newspaper, or watch television, without being absolutely bombarded with political opinions. The pundits are dissecting every word, every nuance, every stance, every plan, every wink, every blink, every smile, every frown, every step, every misstep, every platform, every remark (snide and otherwise), every criticism, every accusation that is coming out of anyone’s mouth.

They’re commenting on the opinions of other pundits, other networks, former politicos, the candidates, members of congress, celebrities and businessmen and women. They’re even commenting on what Mr. and Mrs. average American citizen is saying, as they’re interviewed coming out of malls and movie theatres and parking lots.

No wonder people are confused. How are you supposed to think with all that noise?

This is not my country, I’m talking about. It’s not my election. Mitt Romney and Barack Obama are not my candidates. I can’t vote. But I do vote here, in Canada. So this I know.

Continue reading