Do something …

I was reading a piece about Alyssa Milano in Sunday’s New York Times and came across this quote, which I love: “Each day is a blank canvas…go and make some marks.” I so agree.

In this particular instance, it’s related to Milano’s political activism. But I think the sentiment — or call to action — can be applied to anything. We no longer live in a world where it’s okay to just “be.” We do have to get involved, to participate, to do something for the greater good, to make our mark. How we choose to do it is up to us.

Given the state of politics globally, being an activist may be the first thought that pops into your mind, it’s Continue reading


It was election night in Canada last night and we narrowly avoided seeing Andrew Scheer, our answer to Donald Trump, elected as our new prime minister. Justin Trudeau hung on, albeit with a minority government.

Trudeau’s far from perfect, he made some very serious mistakes and he’s lucky he still has a job. But not as lucky as we are.

There’s a lot to talk about, but it was a late night and right now I’m going back to bed.

It’s truly gobsmacking …

I know, I know, we have enough of our own problems with our own politicians in Canada to question what’s going on in the U.S. — but honestly, I can’t believe Donald Trump is still in the White House and not behind bars.

David Leonhardt, a NY Times opinion columnist wrote yesterday that Trump’s recent conversation with Volodymyr Zelensky, the Ukranian president, during which he admits to pressuring him to dig Continue reading

Time for some introspection and reflection …

Every so often I take stock of where I am in my life, take a look at what I’m up to and think about whether or not it’s still working for me. I check in with myself to see how I’m doing. I assume that I’ve pretty much been on the right track because this has never resulted in my changing course dramatically. But, from time to time, I have taken some detours along the way as a result of these explorations.

I’m only mentioning it because, in her most recent Sunday Paper, Maria Shriver wrote about the importance of knowing our “why” — understanding why we do what we do, what brings meaning to our lives.

Despite it being a long weekend in Canada, I was chained to my computer the whole time, working on a Continue reading

Keep your eye on the prize …

It’s being discussed and debated endlessly, by TV anchors and pundits, by newspaper and magazine reporters and journalists and in living rooms, offices and bars all over America: “Is Joe Biden too old to be running for President?” Before Biden announced his candidacy, the question was, “Is Pete Buttigieg too young?”

With all due respect, I think these folks are missing the point. It should never have anything to do with age, but this year, in particular, I think it is a distraction that could prove to be very costly. I think the only question anyone should be asking is, “Who has the best chance of beating Donald Trump?”

Maybe you think that age is relevant, but I don’t. Because it’s highly doubtful that the next President will be elected based on age, just like the current one wasn’t. Lest anyone forget, Trump is no spring chicken Continue reading

Accentuate the positive …

Today marks 12 years since my mom passed and I’m dedicating this post to her. She was an eternal optimist who always looked for and found, the good in people and in life. 

There was a time I did a lot of blogging, here and for Huff Post, on US politics. I finally gave it up because it was making me tense and angry and I decided I wanted to change the channel.

I didn’t only stop blogging about it, I stopped watching the news — primarily CNN, where’s there’s an endless loop of misery 24/7. I haven’t stopped watching completely but I have cut back dramatically. There are days now when I don’t watch at all, weeks when I only tune in once or twice, and only for the briefest Continue reading

Liar, liar, liar, liar, liar, liar, liar, liar, liar, liar, liar, liar, liar, liar, liar, liar, liar pants on fire …

It truly is gobsmacking.

I’m speaking, of course, about Robert Mueller’s most recent court filings. Robert Mueller, in case you’ve been living under a rock for the past year or so, is the Special Prosecutor who was appointed to look into the alleged collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government and also possible obstruction of justice.

That such an investigation is necessary is alarming and sick-making enough, but what’s got me reeling is Continue reading

I can’t help but wonder …

This has been a year when we’ve had front row seats as America has said goodbye and thank you to Barbara Bush, John McCain and now, former President George H.W. Bush.

We’ve seen and heard the tearful tributes and fond memories shared by numerous friends, family, colleagues, global leaders and even journalists who covered them over the years. We’ve watched footage of the significant moments of their lives — both personal and professional — replayed over and over and Continue reading

I’m struggling …

I was brought up in a home where everyone was welcome. I was taught to treat everyone kindly and decently, to respect everyone — regardless of where they came from, their race, religion, economic status or sexual preferences, whether I agreed with their beliefs and opinions or not. I was taught to look for the Continue reading

Portugal, India, New York and Oslo in a week

I can see you, sitting there, staring at my headline, saying to yourselves, “that’s not possible, and even if it was, who’d be crazy enough to do it?” Relax, I have no intention of trying it. But my week did include bits of all of them.

It began last Wednesday night when I had dinner with a friend. I don’t know if you’re the same, but I tend to always end up in the same neighborhood when I go out to eat — the one I live in. Why we tend to fall back on what’s familiar I don’t know, but it sure does get boring after a while.

So we decided to venture further afield and go to a little family-run Portuguese restaurant she’s been to before. It’s called Rush Hour and it’s in the west end of Toronto, on Dufferin.

No, I don’t know how a Portuguese restaurant ended up with that Continue reading