What really tests my resolve …

Today’s WordPress Daily Prompt made me smile.  Well, actually, it made me laugh:  “Tell us about the favourite dish or food that you simply cannot willpowerturn down.”  

I’m somewhat of a foodie, so I can think of several.  But there’s only one that’s really almost impossible for me to resist.  Only one that’s a real hardship for me to give up.  Only one that’s been known to make me cranky if I can’t have it.


Warm bread, just out of the oven.

Warm bread, just out of the oven, slathered with butter.

Warm bread, just out of the oven with butter and jam, or marmalade.

Warm bread, just out of the oven with some beautiful, room-temperature cheese.

Warm bread, just out of the oven with some beautiful, room-temperature cheese (like brie), and rough-cut slices of freshly-baked ham.

Warm bread, just out of the oven with ripe, garden-grown tomatoes, a little olive oil, salt and pepper.

Warm bread, just out of the oven with absolutely nothing on it.

My mouth is watering right now.  Yes, I’m drooling.

Is there anything more intoxicating than the aroma of bread, baking?  Not even the world’s most expensive perfume, in my humble opinion.

Yes, I’m an addict.  Do I have a favourite loaf?  Not really.  I am particular though — for example, I only like Montreal bagels.  And when they’re hot???  Fresh out of the oven!!! OMG!!!

But I also like pumpernickel, light rye with caraway seeds, a good, homemade multigrain, challa (egg bread) — especially around the Jewish holidays when they are big and round and filled with raisins.  When the texture of the bread is almost spongy.

Sourdough makes me weak at the knees.  And what could be better than a crusty baguette that’s soft and squishy inside?  I even like dinner rolls and hamburger buns.  What can I say?  Dough makes me happy.

Happy, happy, happy.

No pre-sliced loaves for me, either.  My preference is to tear pieces off or cut them myself.  I like thick slices.  They taste better, I swear.  And there’s so much more texture.  It’s chewier.  And for me, bread is about the look, the smell, the ‘bite’ and the taste.  Even the weight of it is important.

Honestly, I could live on bread.   I can happily make a meal of it — whether it’s for breakfast, lunch or dinner.

Who was it who said “Man cannot live by bread alone”?   WRONG.

Wrong, wrong, wrong.

31 thoughts on “What really tests my resolve …

  1. Pingback: Daily Prompt: Simply Irresistable | Chronicles of an Anglo Swiss

  2. Wonderful! Made me hungry…. I rarely eat bread these days, as the carbs aren’t good for my blood sugar, and I don’t miss it usually, but now I might have to go buy a good baguette and indulge!

  3. Pingback: Redheads, Brown Cows, and Sister Char | The Jittery Goat

  4. Hi Fransi, I wish I could wrap up our home baked soda breads/scones and what we call a spotted dog which is a white flour/raisin mix which is melt in the mouth when direct from the oven smothered in freshly churned butter.

  5. Pingback: Daily Prompt: Irresistible… | On My Front Porch

  6. Pingback: Get Thee Behind Me … | Eyes to Heart

  7. Pingback: Bacon | Edward Hotspur

  8. Pingback: Food glorious food……. | Life as a country bumpkin...not a city girl

  9. Pingback: Bread is my DOC (Drug of choice) | Write on the World

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