When I was 17 …

Don’t worry, I’m not about to break into song. You have no idea what I’m talking about, doice-cream you? Frank Sinatra? “It Was A Very Good Year?”  I think it was specially written for him. Well the first line is, “When I was 17 …”

Never mind.

When I was 17 my parents sent me on one of those teen tours. For six weeks we traveled throughout Canada, the U.S. and down into Continue reading

Day 299. Hot Headed?

Are you familiar with the phrase, “Fools rush in where angels fear to tread”?  It’s been around a hell of a long time.  It was first written by Alexander Pope, in his confrontationalpoem, “An Essay on Criticism”.   Born in London in 1688, Pope was an 18th-century poet best known for both his satirical verse and for his translation of Homer.

More recently (1940), “Fools Rush In” was a popular song, written by Johnny Mercer and recorded by a host of singing sensations including Frank Sinatra.

And now, if I’m guessing correctly, you’re sitting there wondering why I’m asking.  And why wouldn’t you?  It’s kind of a weird question, coming right out of the blue.

I’m asking, because it’s the first thing that popped into my head when I read the WordPress Daily Prompt yesterday:  “When faced with confrontation, do you head for the hills or walk straight in?  Was there ever a time you wished you’d had the opposite reaction?”

You know.  When you act first and think later.

There you are.  Minding your own business.  All of a sudden someone says something, or does something you Continue reading

Day 80. Sentimental Value

While objects, ‘things’, can never be as important to us as the people in our lives, we still feel a sense of loss when we lose them, or when they’re  taken from us.  It’s not really the item we’re upset about.  Well, maybe initially it is.  But not in the longer term.  Because whatever it is, it can be replaced.

But what can never be replaced is the sentimental value associated with that piece of jewelry.  Or scrapbook.  Or punch bowl.  Or photograph.  Or whatever it is, that’s now gone.  The story that goes along with it, the memories of how it came in to your life and what role it played, the new life it took on when it came into your possession; it’s not covered by insurance.  Its value is not monetary.

Like my mother’s autograph book.  She always loved ‘live’ entertainment, even as a young child.  From the time I was little, I remember her telling me about going to movies and seeing a singer or dancer as part of the ticket price.  She saw Cab Calloway and Ella Fitzgerald.  Duke Ellington, Lena Horne, Frank Sinatra when he was still a skinny kid, Continue reading