My latest obsession

My mother lived with me for the last several months before she died.  I was working full time and adchef agency life is not 9 – 5.  Not even close, in fact, it’s more like 12 and 14-hour days and lots of weekends.

So a colleague of mine kept insisting I get two things she swore would change my life:  A George Foreman Grill and a slow cooker (not what you thought I was going to say, is it?)  I was skeptical but she refused to let up and eventually I caved and bought both.

Bless you Sharon, you were right.

You see it was never just my mother and me I was cooking for.  I Continue reading

I’m the kiss of death …

Can’t you just see everyone who comes into contact with me, who’s read this headline, slowly backing away?  I can.  Kinda funny, actually.ExplodingComputer  But they really should have stuck around for the rest of the story, because it only applies to me and technology and electrical appliances.  Humans and animals are safe.  At least as far as I know.

In the last month alone everything I’ve touched has turned to shit.  We had a power outage a few weeks ago.  Not just in my apartment building, in a huge area of Toronto.  Of course it happened the instant I arrived home with six bags of groceries, most of which were perishable.  I live on the 15th floor and had no intention of schlepping those bags up all those stairs.  Not that it would have Continue reading