Day 140. I’m Blushing

Honestly, I don’t know what to say.  It’s an embarrassment of riches.  Back in October, a fellow blogger nominated my blog for the Lovely Blogger Award.  Just a week or so ago, inspiringbloggerawardanother blogger gave me the 2012 Blog of the Year Award.  And then a couple of days later, one of my posts was Freshly Pressed.  There’s no question, I’ve received more than my fair share of recognition, lately.

And now there’s more.  Which is why my face is flushed.  I’m not someone who craves the spotlight.

Last Saturday Mavis, who writes Mavimet’s Weblog, nominated me for a Very Inspiring Blogger Award.  I was only introduced to Mavis’s blog recently, but I’ve enjoyed what I’ve read so far.  Two of her ‘weaknesses’ are chocolate and popcorn; and she writes about pets and life, including Africa.  Of course given my affection for pachyderms, the minute I saw the photo of an elephant on the ‘masthead’ of her blog, I was hooked.

The attention my blog is getting is both gratifying and rewarding.  We all put such a lot of time into our blogs.  We toil at them; and knowing the effort is appreciated, is an award in and of itself.  So in response to being given this award, I just want to say, there is such a lot of talent on WordPress. I really encourage you to explore.

And to thank you, yet again, for visiting mine.  And sharing your opinions, feelings and words of wisdom with me.

With this, as with the other awards given to bloggers by bloggers, there are rules to follow.  Here they are:

  1. Display the award logo on your blog.
  2. Link back to the person who nominated you.
  3. State 7 things about yourself.
  4. Nominate 15 bloggers.
  5. Notify these bloggers of the nomination and the rules.

Because all of this ‘recognition’ has come so close together, I really have told you just about everything there is to know about ‘me’.  So I hope you are okay if I skip Rule Number 3.  Plus as you know from my blog, I write so often about my personal experiences, points of view and feelings, you probably already know more about me than you ever needed, or wanted.

I’m in a similar position when it comes to Rule Number 4.  Specifically, nominating 15 bloggers.  It’s been such a short while since I introduced you to 20 of my favourite blogs.  I haven’t had a chance to spend that much time ‘getting to know’ many more.  There are, however, three I have been following for a while, and one I have recently started to follow, I would be happy to share with you:

Among many other excellent reasons, Michelle started a blog, The Green Study, “to learn how to take criticism and stop being comfortable”.  She chose the name “because the very complicated or suggestive or vulgar names were all taken”.  And also because the study, where she does all her fabulous writing, is painted green.  I  am really enjoying her blog and I know you will, as well.

Tony, who is a husband and father, is also a very talented photographer.  He has a keen eye and a very interesting perspective on life.  Finding Subjects is the name of his blog and as he describes it, he’s “one man, one camera, one journey to share news, stories and photographs with the world.  All I know is, I look forward to his posts.

When there’s a notification, in my inbox, saying The Single Cell has a new post, I know I’m in for a great read.  The only clues we have as to the author’s identity are:  She’s a woman, she’s sardonic (and happy to be so) and she lives somewhere on the Eastern Seaboard.  While most of her “random musings” are humorous, the odd one is serious; and definitely gives you something to think about.

What I like most about what I read on SeaPunk2 is the tell-it-like-it-is attitude of the writer.  And considering she’s a mother to 4 adult children, 8 rabbits, 1 pony, 2 miniature horses, a guinea pig, a neurotic cat AND is a wife to 1 husband (#3), you know this woman never runs out of material.  Her blog is definitely a great read.

There you have it, folks.  Thanks again to Mavis from Mavimet’s Weblog for nominating me.  And thanks to all of you for being here, with me.  Hope you’re okay with me ‘tweaking’ the rules.  After all, to quote Thomas Edison, “Hell, there are no rules here — we’re trying to accomplish something.”

22 thoughts on “Day 140. I’m Blushing

  1. Pingback: Day 147. Looking Back | Three Hundred Sixty-Five

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