Day 141. Christmas Spirit

Even though I’m not ‘of the faith’, I’ve always loved Christmas. While it has no religious significance for me, I am always buoyed by the ‘spirit’ of it. It’s one of the Christmas deer with ornaments and snowflakes, vectoronly ‘holidays’ when families truly make an effort to be together, regardless of the travelling involved. It’s also a cheerful and convivial time.

Friends and neighbours are always invited to drop in, and wherever you go, you’re greeted by the sound of music, laughter, shrieking children, barking dogs, ice tinkling in glasses and cups clattering on saucers.

You’re also met by the most intoxicating scents, and sights: Toasty fires, glowing candles, colourful stockings hanging from mantels, candy canes, nutmeg, cinnamon, hot chocolate and all manner of cookies, baking away in the oven. And even though I know they’re messy, as far as I’m concerned, nothing beats the smell of a real pine tree in the house. Nothing.

Suddenly, the stress leading up to Christmas is gone. And once December 25th finally arrives, everyone’s mood becomes

mellow. It’s time to relax, socialize, indulge, over-indulge and have some fun.

At least that’s the way I usually feel about it.

This year, though, I have to admit I’ve had a hard time getting into it. There’s no snow in Toronto. And while I am no winter enthusiast, having snow on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day makes it more magical. But fear not. By Boxing Day, I’m ready for it to disappear. For good.

The recent events in Connecticut certainly haven’t helped. And let’s face it, we’re not exactly living in jubilant times. There just seems to be so much unrest everywhere. So much unhappiness. Uncertainty. Dissent. The only thing we seem to be willing to agree upon, is to disagree. On everything. It’s a global malaise. There’s no escaping it. And frankly, I’m sick of it.

No wonder it doesn’t feel like Christmas. Christmas is supposed to be about giving. Sharing. Good will. Good cheer. Joy.

We need to get that back. We have to stop fighting. We have to change our ways and reduce the huge gap between those who have everything, and those who have nothing. We have to be reasonable. Respectful. And resourceful. We have to stop butting heads; and instead, put them together so we can find solutions. And if we can’t immediately find it in our hearts to love one another, let’s at least start with learning how to tolerate each other. Accept our differences and move on.

Surely this is something we can do. There are brilliant minds all over the world, we can tap into. Technology is so advanced, and becoming more so every minute of every day, what can’t we access? It’s all at our fingertips. Instantly available.

All we need is the desire. The willingness. The sense. And that’s my Christmas wish this year. So that maybe from here on in, all our Christmases (and all the days preceding and following it) can be bright.

“Christmas is not a time nor a season, but a state of mind. To cherish peace and goodwill, to be plenteous in mercy, is to have the real spirit of Christmas”. Calvin Coolidge

Merry Christmas. No matter what you’re doing today, or who you’re with I hope there’s love in your heart. And peace and joy in your life.

22 thoughts on “Day 141. Christmas Spirit

  1. Merry Christmas too! Calvin Coolidge nailed it and you inspired me to take a deep breath and appreciate the simple things that makes my life worthwhile. Thank you for this inspiring and timely post.

    “And peace and joy in your life.” – Indeed!

  2. I don’t think there is actually more unrest, unhappiness, uncertainty and dissent than there has been at any other time in human history – its just that now we know all about what is happening everywhere. That is a relatively new thing, and as you say there could be great advantages to that.

    I hope you do have a very merry christmas too, I share the same sentiments in that I am not religious but also enjoy the season, the traditions and the family times.

    Joyeux Noël from an Aussie in France 🙂

    • You make an rxcellent point. We now experience everything ‘live’. A blessing and a curse. And a joyeux noel to you, from a Montrealer (somewhat bilingual) living in Toronto.

  3. I am not a huge fan of Christmas and the pressure of giving gifts, which ruins the whole point of giving (although I know there are some who really enjoy Christmas shopping for others, but I feel like many just feel pressured). My cousins did not know that my family was coming over the other day, so they felt bad about not getting me a gift. I told them not to worry because I wasn’t really concerned with gifts, and no one should ever feel guilty or make anyone feel guilty about that. Yesterday was actually a pretty good day with my family compared to other times.

    Before I went to sleep last night, I thought to myself, “I wish everyday was as peaceful as today.” I know most people put the extra effort towards the end of the year, but it would be nice if we could all encourage each other to be our best every day. I feel like this year has been really good to me because I tried my best to be positive, and maybe others respond to that and also act positively when I am that way.

    I am glad that you were Freshly Pressed and that I found your blog. I really enjoy reading what you write. I hope you have a Merry Christmas and enjoy the rest of your holidays. Take care. 🙂

    • Thanks so much! Yes , I also wish it was less about gifts and more about caring. I am happy you found my blog as well. Merry Christmas!

  4. This year it really felt like just going through the motions. Once I saw the story yesterday about the ambushed firefighters in Webster, New York, I just wanted the “merriness”, enforced or otherwise, to be over. I go into the New Year quietly, with contemplation and sympathy for those who have lost so much. There’s a lot to think about as we wrap up the year.

    • Oh I know! Yesterday’s news was just the cherry on top of the cake for me, too. I just don’t understand all this. We sure have lost our way. And we ‘re leaderless — not just in the US — everywhere. I can’t think of one strong political, religious, spiritual or business leader, anywhere in the world. So there’s no one to show us the way.

  5. So beautifully if we could get everyone else to listen and truly understand in their hearts the meaning, wouldn’t the world be wonderful?

    • And it could be, you know. I truly believe it’s right there within our grasp. That’s what’s so frustrating. Thank you. And Merry Christmas!

  6. Very nicely said, Fransi. I’m with you 100% though I doubt it necessary for ALL of us to participate in making change, to make it happen. What percentage? Who knows. Even one person can make a huge difference in the life of another, if only that one is determined to do so.
    My first husband was a Coolidge and my first two offspring are direct descendants. Thanks for sharing the quote – it’s good to hear from the man who many thought had no substance. Au contraire!

  7. It is estimated that Americans spend 450 billion on Christmas. It is estimated that cleaning up the world’s water supply would cost 20 billion. Greed, consumerism, lack of love and empathy for the downtrodden, intolerance….we have sown these evils and we are now reaping the harvest. And by we, I mean everyone. I wish Christmas was about giving to a cause that would make a huge and lasting impact, but selling a collective dream is like screaming into the wind…..

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