Day 357. Hell No

I’m fine with admitting I wasn’t an early adopter.  My first computer sat, collecting dust, on a typing table in my office for months and months before I finally internet addictiongave it a try.  Relax, it was 1985.   I’m also the first to admit there are days when I’d like to throw my laptop off the balcony.

But all that aside, make no mistake about it.  I’m addicted.  I could no more live without my computer than fly to the moon.  Well, maybe that’s not such a good example any more.  Richard Branson’s selling seats already.

Doesn’t matter.  I won’t be on that flight.  So the example stands.  And I won’t be giving up my computer any time soon.  Not willingly, anyway.

Which does beg the question, “Why, then, am I bothering to respond to yesterday’s WordPress Daily Continue reading