Happy thoughts …

There’s a scene in Eat, Pray, Love when Elizabeth Gilbert is in Bali and her lover tells her she should choose her thoughts every morning the same way she chooses her clothes.

A friend of mine had the movie on in the background, while she attacked the floor in her hallway with her new Black and Decker power scrubber.

It’s not the first time she’s seen the movie (who hasn’t watched it countless times?), but the words really resonated with her this time around. Her timing, in Continue reading

Back to reality …

Don’t know if you’ve realized it, but for the last little while I have been making a real effort to think (and write) only about the positive: Pleasant memories, good times, gratitude and so on.

It’s worked, too.

The more I’ve concentrated on the upbeat, the less involved I’ve been in the Trump madness, the better my mood and my attitude have become.

But nothing lasts forever, I guess. The world isn’t rosy all the time and fake euphoria (like fake news) doesn’t do anyone any good. So I’m going to give in, vent for a minute, get it off my chest, and hope it’ll go away. Then Continue reading

Accentuate the positive …

My resistance must be lower than normal.  Either that or for some reason I’m being tested.  Because I figs and prosciuttocan’t remember any other time in my life when absolutely everything I tried to do turned out to be unnecessarily challenging, difficult, trying and frustrating.  But that’s the way it’s been lately.  Jeez!

Thankfully I’ve got some very good friends who are okay with me calling and venting, getting it off my chest.  That and I’ve been taking one helluva lot of deep breaths, let me tell you.

Rather than dwell on it though, I’ve decided that every day I’m going to think of something good, something positive, something to be grateful for.  No, no, no, not the obvious, you know, for my parents, for my family, for my career, for waking up in the morning. Of course I’m Continue reading

Day 278. Visual Cacophony

Back in March I was inspired by a WordPress Weekly Photo Challenge.  And by that, I decided to try to describe, in words, what the photographers among us were patternbeing asked to describe in pictures.  I really had fun with it.

This is another one of those days.  Yesterday’s Weekly Photo Challenge was about ‘pattern’.  I immediately thought of India.  The photo to the right is one I took when I was there, from the end of December 2008 until the end of January 2009.

Among many, many other things, India is all about an explosion of your senses.  All at the same time.  It can be overwhelming at first.  The noise, the smells, the tastes and all the colour.  All in the extreme.  All done to excess.

But it’s absolutely fabulous!  Spectacular!  Like nothing you’ve ever experienced before.  Or likely ever will.  I was

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